Liam: Branded Brothers by Raen Smith

Liam: Branded Brothers By Raen Smith
Liam is the first book in the branded brothers’ series and it is a contemporary romance novel with some suspense and mystery in the story. There is a reason that it is titled Branded Brothers but if I go into that, I will give away the whole plot of the book.
Charla Taylor has recently graduated from a nursing aide program and decides to answer an ad in the newspaper, from Jack, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s and looking for a live in caregiver. One of the conditions of taking the job is to deliver a letter to Liam Murphy upon the event of Jack’s death.
Liam Murphy owns a bar and is a bounty hunter. His life is pretty much set with running his business and going out on bounty runs to bring in the bad guys. It all changes the day he is given the letter from Charla. The letter contains information that Liam wants Charla to help him with and she agrees to help Liam with his search to solve the mystery that Jack has just sent him.
This one had a dangerous antagonist but his crimes and evil doing were kept off screen and the reader was not given any gory details about his actions. I enjoyed the introduction of the other characters in the story and hope to read their own story soon.
The romance between Liam and Charla was sweet and easy going. There was not much conflict with the romance between the two characters. The main conflict in the book is solving the mystery that Jack opens up with his death and the letter.
I enjoyed this story. I usually go for more dark and gritty contemporary romantic suspense novels but I like this one. It definitely had elements to it that I like in contemporary stories.
ARC provided thru Netgalley, publisher Raen Smith Publishing, author Raen Smith- Thank you