The Kraken King

The Kraken King – Meljean Brook
I absolutely loved part one of The Kraken King and am dying to read the rest of the story. To be totally honest, I cannot get enough of the Iron Seas series. This one started out with a bang, Zenobia decides it is time for her own adventure and jumps at the chance to go on a voyage to Australia. She definitely got her wish she is faced with danger and thrills from the beginning of the adventure. Due to several past incidents of being kidnapped, Zenobia has taken on the identity of Geraldine Inkslinger, to prevent further misfortunes.
Ariq, also known as the Kraken King is living as the Governor in Krakentown . He is charged with many responsibilities in keeping his town safe, running smoothly, and he is working on a solving a mystery that is plaguing the ports.
He is not looking for anymore adventure but when Lady Geraldine Inkslinger arrives he is definitely in the mood for more adventure. He knows there is more to her than what she is revealing and he is intrigued by the mystery that is Lady Inkslinger.
Again, I loved the start to this wonderful y written story. It did not disappoint, it had lots of action, adventure, snarkyness, and chemistry. I cannot wait to read the rest of this story. I would definitely recommend to steampunk fans or those of you that are thinking of reading steampunk.
ARC provided via Netgalley- by Penguin Group Berkley, NAL/Signet Romance, DAW, author Meljean Brook- Thank you