Beyond Eden

I decided to read this book based on the reviews, the book description, and the book cover. I could not resist two men in the background with a women front and center with a large red apple covering her lady parts. When I finished the book, I thought the book title was a great description of the story that was inside of the book.
However, it was quite difficult for me to like how the characters in the book were associated with religious type characters. It was definitely challenging for me. I have been wondering if it is because of my religious upbringing and the fear of being struck by lighting when having any part in a story that deviates from the original story.
Or because I liked the characters in the book and I sometimes thought the descriptions used for them seemed a little harsh. I did not necessary, see them as evil or their choices as evil. I saw them as people struggling to accept their personal demons and work through all of the expectations that they have allowed others to put on them. That being said, I think the author did an excellent job of incorporating the story of Eden into a book to describe the journey of three wonderful characters.
I thought Beyond Eden was a dark, emotionally intense , gut wrenching story. This is not a light read, it is filled with pain and anguish and lots of complications. I really saw this story as a journey that each character went on, to resolve the feelings each had about being accepted, letting go, and finding love. Each character had to determine what it meant to be rejected not only from those that were suppose to love them but from society. This is a story of love (dark) and the sacrifices one is willing to make to hold on to that emotion.
Again, if you are thinking about reading this book it is a dark emotional read. Not only are the characters written dark but the BDSM relationship is quite dark and intense.
ARC provided thru Netgalley- publisher Ellora's Cave author Kele Moon - Thank you